Results for 'Partha Chatterjee Wendy Brown'

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  1. Governmentality: a conversation with Wendy Brown, Partha Chatterjee and Nikolas Rose.Partha Chatterjee Wendy Brown, Martina Tazzioli Nikolas Rose & William Walters - 2023 - In William Walters & Martina Tazzioli, Handbook on governmentality. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing.
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    What is important in theorizing tolerance today|[quest]|.Jan Dobbernack Wendy Brown - 2015 - Contemporary Political Theory 14 (2):159.
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    Feminism, Law, and Neoliberalism: An Interview and Discussion with Wendy Brown.Katie Cruz & Wendy Brown - 2016 - Feminist Legal Studies 24 (1):69-89.
    On the 24th June 2015, Feminist Legal Studies and the London School of Economics Law Department hosted an afternoon event with Professor Wendy Brown, Class of 1936 First Professor of Political Science, University of California. Professor Brown kindly agreed to discuss her scholarship on feminist theory, and its relationship to both the law and neoliberalism. The event included an interview by Dr Katie Cruz and a Q&A session, which are presented here in an edited version of the (...)
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    I Am the People: Reflections on Popular Sovereignty Today.Partha Chatterjee - 2019 - Columbia University Press.
    The forms of liberal government that emerged after World War II are in the midst of a profound crisis. In I Am the People, Partha Chatterjee reconsiders the concept of popular sovereignty in order to explain today’s dramatic outburst of movements claiming to speak for “the people.” To uncover the roots of populism, Chatterjee traces the twentieth-century trajectory of the welfare state and neoliberal reforms. Mobilizing ideals of popular sovereignty and the emotional appeal of nationalism, anticolonial movements (...)
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    History and the Nationalization of Hinduism.Partha Chatterjee - 1992 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 59:111-150.
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    Politique des gouvernés.Partha Chatterjee - 2011 - Multitudes 45 (2):174-182.
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    The curious career of liberalism in india.Partha Chatterjee - 2011 - Modern Intellectual History 8 (3):687-696.
    There is a long-standing myth that the history of modern India was foretold at the beginning of the nineteenth century by British liberals who predicted that the enlightened despotic rule of India's new conquerors would, by its beneficial effects, improve the native character and institutions sufficiently to prepare the people of that country one day to govern themselves. Lord William Bentinck, a disciple of Jeremy Bentham, while presenting as governor-general his case for the opening up of India to European settlers, (...)
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    Empires, nations, peoples.Partha Chatterjee - 2017 - Thesis Eleven 139 (1):84-96.
    The paper traces the continuities between empires and successor nation-states and examines how imperial prerogatives continue to operate in the global system. The author also looks at the failure of postcolonial states to deliver on their promises after achieving national sovereignty. In all this, the focus is on conceptualizing the category of ‘the people’, which is supposedly the source of legitimate power in the contemporary world. In particular the paper zooms in on the historical continuity that characterized traditional empires and (...)
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    Anderson's Utopia.Partha Chatterjee - 1999 - Diacritics 29 (4):128-134.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Diacritics 29.4 (1999) 128-134 [Access article in PDF] Anderson's Utopia Partha Chatterjee Imagined Communities was, without doubt, one of the most influential books of the late twentieth century. In the years since it was published, as nationalism unexpectedly came to be regarded as an increasingly unresolvable and often dangerous "problem" in world affairs, Benedict Anderson has continued to analyze and reflect on the subject, adding two brilliant (...)
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  10. The poverty of Western political theory: concluding remarks on concepts like 'community' East and West.Partha Chatterjee - 2010 - In Aakash Singh & Silika Mohapatra, Indian political thought: a reader. New York: Routledge.
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    States of Injury: Power and Freedom in Late Modernity.Wendy Brown - 1995 - Princeton University Press.
    Whether in characterizing Catharine MacKinnon's theory of gender as itself pornographic or in identifying liberalism as unable to make good on its promises, Wendy Brown pursues a central question: how does a sense of woundedness become the basis for a sense of identity? Brown argues that efforts to outlaw hate speech and pornography powerfully legitimize the state: such apparently well-intentioned attempts harm victims further by portraying them as so helpless as to be in continuing need of governmental (...)
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    Lineages of political society.Partha Chatterjee - 2013 - In Michael Freeden & Andrew Vincent, Comparative political thought: theorizing practices. New York: Routledge. pp. 70.
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    Politics Out of History.Wendy Brown - 2001 - Princeton University Press.
    Wendy Brown's work commands widespread attention and respect, and there has been considerable interest as to how it would develop after "States of Injury." This book will not disappoint.
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    There Is An Indian Ideology, But It's Not This.Partha Chatterjee - 2014 - Constellations 21 (2):175-185.
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    International Law and Inter-State Relations in Ancient India.D. MacKenzie Brown & Hiralal Chatterjee - 1959 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 79 (3):193.
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    Struggles for Hegemony Have Not Ceased.Partha Chatterjee - 2022 - Res Pública. Revista de Historia de Las Ideas Políticas 25 (3):321-327.
    Peter Thomas’s criticism of arguments advanced recently of an era of “post-hegemony” in Western democracies may be extended by considering the experience of post-colonial Asia and Africa. Reviewing the use of the Gramscian concepts of consent and passive revolution in the study of modern South Asian history, this paper argues that both of Gramsci’s objectives –a general theory of power and the analysis of historically contingent and strategic politics– can be retained to yield valuable analytical insights. The paper concludes that (...)
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    The Power of Tolerance: A Debate.Wendy Brown & Rainer Forst (eds.) - 2014 - Columbia University Press.
    We invoke the ideal of tolerance in response to conflict, but what does it mean to answer conflict with a call for tolerance? Is tolerance a way of resolving conflicts or a means of sustaining them? Does it transform conflicts into productive tensions, or does it perpetuate underlying power relations? To what extent does tolerance hide its involvement with power and act as a form of depoliticization? Wendy Brown and Rainer Forst debate the uses and misuses of tolerance, (...)
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    Regulating Aversion: Tolerance in the Age of Identity and Empire.Wendy Brown - 2008 - Princeton University Press.
    Tolerance is generally regarded as an unqualified achievement of the modern West. Emerging in early modern Europe to defuse violent religious conflict and reduce persecution, tolerance today is hailed as a key to decreasing conflict across a wide range of other dividing lines-- cultural, racial, ethnic, and sexual. But, as political theorist Wendy Brown argues in Regulating Aversion, tolerance also has dark and troubling undercurrents. Dislike, disapproval, and regulation lurk at the heart of tolerance. To tolerate is not (...)
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    Kant's Politics: Provisional Theory for an Uncertain World.Partha Chatterjee - 2008 - Contemporary Political Theory 7 (1):111-114.
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    A Princely Impostor? The Strange and Universal History of the Kumar of Bhawal.Rosane Rocher & Partha Chatterjee - 2003 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 123 (4):934.
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    Per Ranajit Guha (1923-2023).Partha Chatterjee - 2023 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 35 (68):303-309.
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    Authoritarianism: Three Inquiries in Critical Theory.Wendy Brown, Peter E. Gordon & Max Pensky - 2018 - University of Chicago Press.
    Across the Euro-Atlantic world, political leaders have been mobilizing their bases with nativism, racism, xenophobia, and paeans to “traditional values,” in brazen bids for electoral support. How are we to understand this move to the mainstream of political policies and platforms that lurked only on the far fringes through most of the postwar era? Does it herald a new wave of authoritarianism? Is liberal democracy itself in crisis? In this volume, three distinguished scholars draw on critical theory to address our (...)
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    Manhood and Politics: A Feminist Reading in Political Theory.Wendy Brown - 1988 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    'Is politics gendered? Wendy Brown things so, and argues for this point with elegance, imagination and pungent phrases. Brown's book is challenging, provocative and...original; it does force us to question the degree to which gender controls our politics.'-THE REVIEW OF POLITICS.
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  24. (1 other version)Suffering Rights as Paradoxes.Wendy Brown - 2000 - Constellations 7 (2):208-229.
  25. Neo-liberalism and the End of Liberal Democracy.Wendy Brown - 2003 - Theory and Event 7 (1):15-18.
  26. American Nightmare.Wendy Brown - 2006 - Political Theory 34 (6):690-714.
    Neoliberalism and neoconservatism are two distinct political rationalities in the contemporary United States. They have few overlapping formal characteristics, and even appear contradictory in many respects. Yet they converge not only in the current presidential administration but also in their de-democratizing effects. Their respective devaluation of political liberty, equality, substantive citizenship, and the rule of law in favor of governance according to market criteria on the one side, and valorization of state power for putatively moral ends on the other, undermines (...)
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    Nyliberalismen og slutten på det liberale demokratiet.Wendy Brown - 2011 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 29 (1):139-159.
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    Nihilistic times: thinking with Max Weber.Wendy Brown - 2023 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.
    Wendy Brown diagnoses a crisis of nihilism in the United States, as market ideals displace values of truth and integrity and identity politics encourage a destructive epidemic of victimhood. Taking strength from Max Weber's WWI-era calls for moral courage, Brown aims to renew commitments to basic values of citizenship and public life.
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  29. Vinculaciones injuriadas.Wendy Brown - 2005 - Araucaria 7 (14).
    Encontrando un gran placer en la paradoja, el teórico social nacido en Jamaica Stuart Hall cuenta esta historia de la “desintegración” de la identidad inglesa después de la guerra, en la época poscolonial.
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    Chapter 9 Th inking Together Reply to Critics.Wendy Brown - 2022 - In Amy Allen & Eduardo Mendieta, Power, neoliberalism, and the reinvention of politics: the critical theory of Wendy Brown. University Park, Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State University Press. pp. 158-180.
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  31. Wounded Attachments.Wendy Brown - 1993 - Political Theory 21 (3):390-410.
    If something is to stay in the memory, it must be burned in: only that which never ceases to hurt stays in the memory. Friedrich Nietzsche ( from On the Genealogy of Morals).
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    Sovereignty and the return of the repressed.Wendy Brown - 2008 - In David Campbell & Morton Schoolman, The New Pluralism: William Connolly and the Contemporary Global Condition. Durham: Duke University Press. pp. 250--272.
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    The Relevance of the Guna Theory in the Congruence of Eastern Values and Western Management Practice.Malcolm Innes-Brown & Samir Chatterjee - 1999 - Journal of Human Values 5 (2):93-102.
    The relevance of the guna theory to applications of Western management practice is seen in this paper as an insight holding capacity to guide managerial behaviour. In its essence, the guna theory depicts values which constitute human personality into a sattwa-rajas delineation of deepened understanding, giving direction to action and which, in turn, illustrates negative values (tamas) likely to cause obstruction. For managers to appreciate this level of understanding, while simultaneously sensing those values which inhibit purposeful action, may be regarded (...)
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  34. Finding the Man in the State.Wendy Brown - 1992 - Feminist Studies 18 (1):7.
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    Foucaults forelesninger om biopolitikkensfødsel.Wendy Brown - 2021 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 38 (3-4):189-222.
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  36. Vacilaciones soberanas.Wendy Brown - 2019 - In E. Biset, Ana Paula Penchaszadeh & Marcela Rivera Hutinel, Soberanías en deconstrucción. [Córdoba, Argentina]: Editorial Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.
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  37. Sacrificial Citizenship: Neoliberalism, Human Capital, and Austerity Politics.Wendy Brown - 2016 - Constellations 23 (1):3-14.
  38. Reframing the Debate Around State Responses to Infertility: Considering the Harms of Subfertility and Involuntary Childlessness.Rebecca C. H. Brown, Wendy A. Rogers, Vikki A. Entwistle & Siladitya Bhattacharya - 2016 - Public Health Ethics 9 (3):290-300.
    Many countries are experiencing increasing levels of demand for access to assisted reproductive technologies. Policies regarding who can access ART and with what support from a collective purse are highly contested, raising questions about what state responses are justified. Whilst much of this debate has focused on the status of infertility as a disease, we argue that this is something of a distraction, since disease framing does not provide the far-reaching, robust justification for state support that proponents of ART seem (...)
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    Left Legalism/Left Critique.Wendy Brown & Janet Halley - 2002 - Duke University Press.
    DIVA reader aimed at revitalizing left legal and political critique./div.
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    (1 other version)At the Edge.Wendy Brown - 2002 - Political Theory 30 (4):556-576.
    Here lies the vocation of those who preserve our understanding of past theories, who sharpen our sense of the subtle, complex interplay between political experience and thought, and who preserve our memory of the agonizing efforts of intellect to restate the possibilities and threats posed by political dilemmas of the past. —Sheldon S. Wolin, “Political Theory as a Vocation”In the same way in which the great transformation of the first industrial revolution destroyed the social and political structures as well as (...)
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  41. Left Legalism/Left Critique.Wendy Brown & Janet Halley - 2004 - Science and Society 68 (2):252-255.
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  42. Supposing Truth Were a Woman.Wendy Brown - 1988 - Political Theory 16 (4):594-616.
  43. Civilizational Delusions: Secularism, Tolerance, Equality.Wendy Brown - forthcoming - Theory and Event 15 (2).
  44. Sovereign hesitations.Wendy Brown - 2009 - In Pheng Cheah & Suzanne Guerlac, Derrida and the time of the political. Durham: Duke University Press.
  45. We Are All Democrats Now ..Wendy Brown - 2010 - Theory and Event 13 (2).
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    Occupy Wall Street: Return of a Repressed Res-Publica.Wendy Brown - 2011 - Theory and Event 14 (4).
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    Introduction.Wendy Brown & Nicholas Xenos - 2007 - Theory and Event 10 (1).
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    Why Is Democracy So Hard? University of California, Berkeley Memorial Lecture for Erik Olin Wright, January 2020.Wendy Brown - 2020 - Politics and Society 48 (4):539-552.
    This lecture reflects on the difficulties of democracy in Erik Olin Wright’s democratic socialist vision, one he elaborates in How to Be an Anti-capitalist in the 21st Century and Envisioning Real Utopias. It rejects the notion that radical democratic projects in cities, workplaces, and cooperatives can simply be scaled up for purposes of national or postnational political rule. It reflects on selected requirements of democracy apart from democratic governing institutions and practices: from democratic political culture, to education and accountability, to (...)
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  49. Manhood and Politics.Wendy Brown - 1990 - Hypatia 5 (3):175-180.
  50. Revaluing Critique.Wendy Brown - 2000 - Political Theory 28 (4):469-479.
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